Editing and writing
2022 – ongoing
Full edits and translations French-English of highly technical pastry recipe workbooks
PastryClass.com offers online masterclass courses by world-renowned pastry chefs. Each course comes with a recipe workbook.
Image: courtesy of Ksenia Penkina
Epilogue to Apa Kabar,
C. Groot, writer
July 2022
Full edit
Scientific explanation of the emotionally traumatic experiences that were described in the autobiography Apa Kabar (How are You?) and ways to overcome those experiences. Independent author.
Leaving the Funny Pharm,
J. Roshlaub, writer
Spring 2021
Structural edit
Short stories, independent author.
Legal documents
Writing, editing, and proofreading
Thousands of legal documents in both English and Dutch, many written in plain language.
Writing: short articles
The Editing Essentials Test Tested: Unlock Your Editing Career, The Editor's Weekly, April 2022
Update on the International Plain Language Standard: An Interview with Gael Spivak. The Editor's Weekly, October 2021
Editing Medical-Legal Reports: An Interview with Jahleen Turnbull-Sousa. The Editor's Weekly, October 2021
Suitable Housing: Criteria Qualified by Judges
M. Elsinga, author
Paperback, 1991. (Tjeenk Willink Zwolle, publisher)